Questa spaziosa camera di 25 metri quadrati dispone di un letto king size di 2 metri quadrati. La camera è arredata con uno stile unico e tra i suoi arredi c'è un'antica cassapanca in marmo restaurata.
Un bollitore e una vasta gamma di tè sono a disposizione degli ospiti. La camera ha una terrazza ideale per la colazione del mattino. Qui troverete un suggestivo tavolo in ceramica dove potrete rilassarvi dopo un'intensa giornata in spiaggia o semplicemente per ammirare il tramonto.
Da una scala discendente, il cui materiale è il caratteristico marmo del Vesuvio, si accede alla Hall: ampia zona reception con un comodo divano dove sedersi e attendere e un tavolo di cristallo nella zona ricevimento. Il Divina mette a disposizione dei suoi ospiti uno staff esperto, in grado di gestire qualsiasi esigenza e di prendersi cura dei nostri ospiti. Il cliente può contare su uno staff qualificato anche per la scelta e l'organizzazione delle escursioni.
Tutte le camere sono dotate di aria condizionata e Wi-Fi; tutti i bagni sono forniti di asciugacapelli.
La Divina offre ai suoi ospiti camere finemente arredate, anche nei più piccoli dettagli, dove nulla è lasciato al caso: bagni progettati dall’architetto Giò Ponti, ceramiche e lampadari Solimene, realizzati in cristallo di Murano, appositamente realizzati per la struttura da artigiani locali; un design moderno spezzato da un antico arredamento sapientemente restaurato con marmo originale risalente al XIX secolo.
Le camere, a seconda della scelta, offrono ai nostri ospiti un'ampia terrazza, vista mare, tavolo con sedie, lettini o ampio balcone con vista sul giardino. Ogni camera è dotata di un letto king size di 2 metri e materasso in memory foam anallergico, molto apprezzato dai nostri ospiti.
Una cosa esperta vi accoglierà e gestirà ogni esigenza, perché prendersi cura dei nostri ospiti è il nostro fiore all'occhiello.
“La Divina” è una statua realizzata dal Maestro Paolo Sandulli, esposta nella sala dedicata a Lucia, la proprietaria. Sandulli, che vive ed espone il suo lavoro di arti in una famosa torre nella città di Praiano, realizzò una scultura unica nel suo genere, resa unica dal suo caratteristico ramo di corallo rosso e particolari orecchini, che sono conchiglie locali chiamate “occhi di Santa Lucia”.
I proprietari, Lucia e Bartolo, realizzarono il loro sogno per la loro piccola figlia Maria Vittoria.
La villa si trova in una tranquilla zona a soli 5 minuti dal centro di Praiano. Gli stabilimenti balneari sono a 15 minuti. La sua posizione tranquilla è ideale per gli ospiti che desiderano trascorrere il tempo rilassandosi in casa, visitando Praiano o scoprire la Costiera Amalfitana o la parte a sud di Salerno con il Cilento e Pestum. Qualunque sia la vostra idea di vacanza, apprezzerete la grande qualità e il comfort offerti da Villa la Divina.
Elettricità, acqua, aria condizionata e pulizie finali. Servizio di pulizia giornaliero (cucina, bagni, zona giorno). Cambio biancheria ogni due giorni. Accesso internet Wi-Fi illimitato solo al coperto.
Tutti i servizi extra devono essere pagati in loco, prima della partenza, salvo accordi diversi.
È considerata da molti il tratto di costa più suggestivo d'Italia, un paesaggio di scogliere torreggianti, villaggi dalle tinte pastello incastonati nelle colline, strade a cornici precipitose, giardini lussureggianti e ampie vedute su acque turchesi e montagne ricoperte di verde. Considerata dall'UNESCO "un esempio eccezionale di paesaggio mediterraneo, con eccezionali valori paesaggistici culturali e naturali", la costa ha ottenuto nel 1997 l'ambito posto nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale.
La Costiera Amalfitana si trova lungo i fianchi meridionali della Penisola Sorrentina, un promontorio a falesia che si stacca dalla terraferma all'estremità meridionale del Golfo di Napoli. Le sue città più famose - Amalfi, Positano e Ravello - hanno affascinato e ispirato artisti per secoli, dallo scrittore del XIV secolo Giovanni Boccaccio al compositore del XIX secolo Richard Wagner e al drammaturgo del XX secolo Tennessee Williams.
Come arrivare
I treni collegano Napoli con Sorrento e Salerno. Durante i mesi più caldi, inoltre, i battelli collegano molte città della Costiera Amalfitana.
Le strade della Costiera Amalfitana sono notoriamente tortuose, strette e impegnative da guidare. Se a ciò si aggiungono i panorami mozzafiato e gli audaci guidatori italiani, noti per la loro spavalderia al volante, questo viaggio in auto offre una delle esperienze di guida più emozionanti d'Europa. Il famoso percorso della Costiera Amalfitana segue la costa da Sorrento a sud fino a Salerno. Gli abitanti del luogo consigliano di pianificare un viaggio in Costiera Amalfitana durante le stagioni turistiche di spalla, da metà settembre a ottobre e a maggio, quando la strada è meno affollata e gli autobus turistici sono meno numerosi.
Il punto di accesso più comodo alla Costiera è Salerno, un porto molto frequentato e noto per essere stato una delle principali teste di ponte degli Alleati durante l'invasione dell'Italia nel 1943. Dall'Autostrada A3, si prende la SS163 a Vietri sul Mare, un villaggio famoso per le sue ceramiche e che offre ampie vedute della costa. La strada si snoda tra punti panoramici - quello di Capo d'Orso è forse il migliore - e costeggia i villaggi di Maiori (spiaggia sabbiosa) e Minori (rovine di una villa romana del I secolo d.C.), prima che un bivio vicino ad Atrani (due suggestive chiese) vi porti nell'entroterra a Ravello.
Ravello è considerata una delle cittadine più romantiche e belle dell'Italia meridionale. Arroccata su ripidi pendii terrazzati - più vicini al cielo che al mare, secondo il romanziere francese André Gide - è un luogo benedetto da giardini lussureggianti, vicoli tranquilli, angoli sonnolenti e assolati, e un'altura di 365 metri che offre una vista indimenticabile sulla costa azzurra sottostante. Il suo cuore è costituito da una cattedrale dell'XI secolo e da Villa Rufolo (Piazza del Vescovado; tel. 089 857 657), una delle due ville per cui la città è famosa. Costruita nel XIII secolo, la villa ha ospitato papi e re, oltre a Richard Wagner, che qui compose parte della sua opera Parsifal nel 1880. La vista dai suoi giardini idilliaci è magnifica, così come quella dalla vicina Villa Cimbrone.
Tornando sulla costa da Ravello, la strada delle cornici porta ad Amalfi, a suo tempo una delle quattro potenti repubbliche marinare italiane (con Venezia, Pisa e Genova). Un tempo tutto il commercio marittimo nel Mediterraneo era regolato dalle Tavole Amalfitane del XII secolo, uno dei codici marittimi più antichi del mondo. Oggi, il panorama della città sul mare, i numerosi caffè e negozi e il clima mite la rendono una località molto popolare, quindi preparatevi a prezzi elevati e alla folla in alta stagione.
L'orgoglio di Amalfi spetta al Duomo di Sant'Andrea, con una facciata dai motivi intricati, rifatta nel XIX secolo. Fondata nel IX secolo, le successive modifiche della cattedrale hanno risparmiato la sua principale gloria, le porte bronzee bizantine dell'XI secolo del portale principale. Accanto alla chiesa si trova il Chiostro del Paradiso (1268), il cui cupo tono romanico è ravvivato dagli elementi arabi delle sue sinuose colonne.
Per sfuggire al trambusto di Amalfi, fate un'escursione sulle colline sopra la città. Consultate il centro visitatori o fate la famosa passeggiata lungo la Valle dei Mulini, una gola dai lati scoscesi punteggiata da mulini ad acqua in rovina, un tempo utilizzati per la produzione della carta, industria per la quale Amalfi era, ed è tuttora, famosa. Il piccolo Museo della offre esposizioni relative all'industria.
Indicazioni per La Divina Costiera Amalfitana (se si guida da Napoli, Sorrento o Positano):
Agreement. These Terms and Conditions, together with the Reservation Invoice (collectively, the “Agreement”) represent the entire agreement between the parties and replace all prior understandings, oral or written, covering the subject matter contained herein and can be changed only in writing signed by both Client and BRAVO HOLIDAYS. Villa Information. BRAVO HOLIDAYS (“BRAVO HOLIDAYS,” “we,” “us” or “our”) seeks to provide updated information on our web site (“Website”) relating to the rental properties; however, nothing on our Website shall constitute a term or condition of this Agreement. Differences between the Website, any photograph, illustration and/or text used, and the actual Villa Property contracted for, may exist. Owners of the Villa Property (“Owner” or “Owners”) have the right to make modifications to the Villa Property specifications that are considered necessary due to operating requirements. Owners have the right to alter furniture, fittings, amenities, facilities, activities or make any other alteration, even if previously or currently advertised or represented as available, without prior notice. Client. Client shall include the person who signs and executes this Agreement (“Party Leader”) and all persons who are identified as an Occupant or Occupants of the Villa Property (“Client” or “Clients”). All communications by BRAVO HOLIDAYS will be made to the Party Leader. It is the Party Leader’s responsibility to provide this information to all Occupants. Client is responsible for payment in full of the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Price stated in this Agreement and compliance by all Occupants with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Total Package Price. The Total Package Price is in Euro and the rental period is the specified number of nights as set forth on the Reservation Invoice. The number of Occupants shall at all times be subject to approval by Owner, and additional charges will apply for all approved extra guests exceeding the maximum number of Guests as set forth in the Reservation Invoice. BRAVO HOLIDAYS calculates prices almost one year in advance, so as not to inflate the list price by speculating the Dollar’s exchange rate, BRAVO HOLIDAYS bases the currency exchange rate on past performance plus current trends. This means that US Dollar due amounts are subject to shifts in currency exchange rates and will be adjusted up or down at the time we bill Client’s entire Total Package Price. (i). Payment. Within three (3) days of the execution of this Agreement, Client shall pay the reservation deposit which may be non-refundable either in full or in part depending on the time of payment. The reservation deposit payment should be made by check, wire transfer or credit card. The final payment balance is due ninety (90) days prior to the arrival date and is payable only by check, wire transfer or credit card. Failure to pay the final payment balance of the Total Package Price when due will constitute an automatic cancellation, and the reservation deposit shall be forfeited. When bookings are made within ninety (90) days prior to the arrival date, the entire Total Package Price is due at booking and is non-refundable. (ii). Payment Instructions. Will be provided at time of booking. Security Deposit. A security deposit is required for most rentals and the security deposit amount and location for payment is specified on the Reservation Invoice (“Security Deposit”). If paid on arrival at the Villa Property, the Security Deposit will be returned on departure, less any losses, damages or other unpaid charges as set forth in this Agreement. It is Client’s responsibility to collect any unused portion of the Security Deposit prior to departure from the Villa Property. If held by BRAVO HOLIDAYS, the Security Deposit will be released no later than 45 days after Client’s return, less any losses, damages or other unpaid charges as set forth in this Agreement. It is Client’s responsibility to obtain an accounting of the Security Deposit. Client is responsible for leaving the Villa Property in a neat and tidy condition, i.e. dishes washed and put away, garbage taken to the nearest collection receptacle, etc. Any loss or damage to the Villa Property will be deducted from Client’s Security Deposit, including without limitation, any loss or damage to any property, fixtures, fittings, furnishings or any other property located in, on or about the Villa Property. If the losses or damages exceed the amount of the Security Deposit, Client will be responsible for the additional losses and damages and the cost of repair and/or replacement. Locally payable items or services, including Local Charges and/or Extra Services, or any other charges incurred, as set forth herein, may be deducted from the Security Deposit. Cancellation Charges. Any cancellation of the booking by Client for any reason must be in writing addressed to BRAVO HOLIDAYS at the address stated on the Reservation Invoice. The effective date of cancellation is the date when written notification is received by BRAVO HOLIDAYS. All payments made within 90 days of the arrival date are non-refundable. Cancellations made within 90 days of the arrival date are non-refundable. Client agrees that failure to pay the final balance of the Total Package Price on date listed on the Reservation Invoice shall be deemed a cancellation with no refund due. All holiday bookings are non-refundable and holiday bookings include the following times and seasons (US): Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Presidents’ Week, Easter/Spring Break. Other holiday periods may apply. We highly recommend that Client purchase trip protection. Travel Protection Insurance. BRAVO HOLIDAYS strongly suggests that clients protect their travel plans from financial loss before or during the trip, for cancellations that occur for covered reasons, by purchasing travel insurance. Since BRAVO HOLIDAYS does not cover losses due to client’s personal or family circumstances, we suggest purchasing coverage from AON. Modifications and Cancellations by BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners. BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners reserve the right to modify or cancel this Agreement at any time or when necessary to do so as a result of a force majeure, or due to any other occurrence outside the control of BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners. In the event of such cancellation, we will inform Client as soon as possible and, if requested, we will try to arrange an alternative property of a similar type and in a similar location as originally requested. Client is responsible for any increase in price of the new BRAVO HOLIDAYS. If Client prefers not to rebook another property, we will provide a full refund of payments made if BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owner cancel the Agreement. A full refund of payments made by Client is Client’s sole and exclusive remedy for cancellation by BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owner. Neither BRAVO HOLIDAYS nor Owner shall have any liability for any loss, expense or damage, including by way of explanation and not by limitation, travel expenses, alternative lodging or any other loss, expense, or damage. Modification by Client. If Client requests to modify or change the choice of the Villa Property or the dates for rental of the Villa Property, we have the right to treat a change of the Villa Property and/or the Villa Property dates as a cancellation of one property and the booking of another property, and Client is responsible for any increase in the price of the then applicable Total Package Price. All requested modifications of this Agreement by Client shall be valid only if made in writing and become effective only as of the date of receipt of such writing and provided it is agreed to by BRAVO HOLIDAYS in writing. There is an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant for any modification to the Agreement by Client. Arrival Information. Within 14 days prior to Client’s arrival at the Villa Property, provided that payment of the Total Package Price has been received in full, Villa travel and arrival information, including addresses, driving directions, telephone numbers and contact person’s names shall be released to Client (“Arrival Voucher”). Passport Requirements: It is Client’s responsibility to verify that Client and all Occupants have the correct documents to travel from the country of origin to the country of destination, prior to travel. Number of Occupants. We require the names and ages of all guests staying at each Villa Property (each an “Occupant” or “Occupants”). The number of Occupants booked is the number that will be accommodated and must not exceed the maximum stated on the Reservation Invoice. Under no circumstances can the number of Occupants exceed the number of sleeping places designated for the Villa Property. Failure to comply may result in additional guests being turned away or the entire party may be subject to eviction at their own expense. If maximum occupancy is exceeded, Owner reserves the right to refuse or revoke the booking in Owner’s sole discretion and at Client’s sole expense and without refund of any kind. Client Responsibility. Occupants are required to act in a responsible manner at all times, and to act with respect toward other guests, Owners and the Villa staff. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and owners have the absolute right to require any occupant, individual or client, to vacate a villa property for disruptive or inappropriate behavior without any refund in the sole discretion of BRAVO HOLIDAYS and/or owners. Arrival and Departure Times. No later than four (4) weeks prior to Client’s arrival date, Client must give us an appointed time of arrival at the Villa Property. Unless otherwise stated, Clients must arrive between 4p.m. and 7p.m. local time. Earlier times will not be accommodated. Failure to arrive at the appointed time on Client’s Arrival Voucher can delay admittance to the Villa Property to the following day or incur a late arrival charge. BRAVO HOLIDAYS is not responsible for alternate lodging or other accommodations. Clients must vacate the Villa Property no later than 10a.m. local time or as otherwise noted on the Arrival Voucher. Late departure may result in additional charges. Local Charges Paid Locally. There are extra charges for some items that must be paid locally at the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Property (“Local Charges”). Local Charges are not included in the Total Package Price. Local Charges may include, but are not limited to, telephone, internet, extra linens, cleaning services, A/C, heating, electricity or other utilities, as well as local tourist taxes, where applicable. These Local Charges are payable directly to the local Owner representative in local cash currency at the end of your stay. Prices are subject to change so please confirm with local Owner representative on your arrival. Special Villa Services. Requests for additional or special villa services, such as maid, cook, advance grocery shopping must be made in writing to BRAVO HOLIDAYS no later than four (4) weeks prior to your arrival (“Extra Services”). Extra Services are not guaranteed and are not included in the Total Package Price. BRAVO HOLIDAYS makes no representation as to the level or quality of Extra Services. Payment is due in full in local cash currency to the local Owner representative upon arrival at the Villa Property unless otherwise stated, and cannot be paid by credit card unless otherwise stated. Once submitted to BRAVO HOLIDAYS, any changes to Extra Services requests are subject to an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant and acceptance by Owner. Client shall not employ outside third party services unless requested in writing and approved by Owner. Not Included in Total Package Price. Local Charges, Extra Services and consumables of any kind are not included in the Total Package Price unless otherwise expressly stated on the Reservation Invoice. This includes, but is not limited to, food and beverages, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels and napkins, travel expenses, alternative travel or lodging expenses, trip protection. Included in Total Package Price. The Total Package Price includes the use of the Villa Property and any facilities, amenities and/or services listed on the Reservation Invoice. By way of example, one set of linens per bed, and one set of towels per person per week are always included in the price of the rental, as are basic cooking utensils, pots, pans, glassware, flatware and dishes. Normal use of gas, electricity and water facilities are often included. Construction. There may be construction near the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Property. Construction is usually 7:00am-3:30pm weekdays. Car Rental. There is a minimum age requirement of 25 years to rent a car. Credit Cards. If the form of payment is by credit card, by signing this Agreement, the cardholder acknowledges receipt of this Agreement and hereby authorizes BRAVO HOLIDAYS to charge the credit card for the amounts set forth in the Confirmation Statement and for any other sums or charges set forth in this Agreement. Complaints. In the unlikely event any problem should occur with the Villa Property, Client shall immediately notify Owner or local owner representative to correct the problem. If Owner or local Owner representative is unable to rectify the situation, Client shall immediately contact BRAVO HOLIDAYS on the telephone number listed on the Arrival Voucher. Client shall allow the Owner reasonable time, under the circumstances, to remedy the problem, or to find a suitable replacement Villa Property. Vacating the Villa Property without BRAVO HOLIDAYS’s authorization shall not constitute an adequate cause for a refund. Failure to give notice of a complaint when it occurs during the rental period and/or failure to remain in contact by telephone or fax while providing Owner or local Owner’s representative and BRAVO HOLIDAYS an opportunity to remedy the complaint during the rental period will void any claim. As with any home, repairs may be necessary as things wear down. BRAVO HOLIDAYS is not responsible for any breakdown of appliances, loss of A/C, heat, water, internet service etc. that occur at the Villa Property. Equipment for Children. BRAVO HOLIDAYS recommends that Clients provide their own portable cribs, bassinets and highchairs or any other equipment for children. Any such equipment found at the Villa Property has not been inspected by BRAVO HOLIDAYS, and Clients use such equipment at the Villa Property at their own risk. Limitation of Liability. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and its villa owners, employees and/or agents shall not accept any responsibility, expense or liability for any accident which may occur relating to this Contract and/or the rental property which is the subject of this Contract; or for any sickness, injury, damage or loss whatsoever or however caused. We highly recommend that Client purchase trip protection. Transferability. BRAVO HOLIDAYS may allow the transfer of Client’s booking to another Party Leader in BRAVO HOLIDAYS’s sole and complete discretion. The request must be made to BRAVO HOLIDAYS in writing, and a new booking agreement must be executed, along with Client’s payment of an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant. Jurisdiction. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and Client agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, and that exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be in the New York State Supreme Court in Nassau County, New York. Miscellaneous. Bookings cannot be accepted from persons less than 18 years of age at the time of booking, and BRAVO HOLIDAYS reserves the right to refuse a booking without reason. Please remember that many villas are located in the countryside. Although most villas have screens and A/C, you may encounter some bugs and insects. Not leaving open food out on counters will help tremendously. Most villas have strict policies regarding smoking and pets. Unless arranged when confirming the reservation, do not bring pets or smoke inside the Villa Property. Please be advised that internet service may not be available in your Villa Property. Most villas have private swimming pools, please be advised that lifeguards are not provided.
Camera spaziosa di 25 mq circa con letto matrimoniale king size, accogliente e dotata di tutti i comfort, questa camera Deluxe dispone di balcone e affaccio sul mare per viste panoramiche mozzafiato.
Amenities disponibili: bollitore, Tè, phon, asse da stiro, ombrelli, cassaforte, frigobar (soft drinks e acqua), borse e teli mare, wifi, Smart Tv, Netflix, AC, riscaldamento, portavaligia, armadio, linea cortesia bagno Ferragamo
La camera dispone di un comodo letto king size. La particolarità della camera con Patio è la presenza di un antico pozzo, risalente al XIX secolo. Un bollitore e un'ampia scelta di tè Twinings sono a disposizione degli ospiti.
In camera sarete circondati da ceramiche Solimene dai classici colori mediterranei che richiamano l'ambiente marino e il meraviglioso mare ammirabile dalla terrazza del patio. La camera dispone inoltre di frigobar, asse da stiro, ferro da stiro, cassaforte, ombrelli, kit mare con borsa e asciugamani personalizzati.
Il bagno, caratterizzato dai colori del mare tra il blu e il celeste, comprende un'ampia doccia di 1,70 m2 e moderni sanitari. È inoltre dotato di kit di cortesia FERRAGAMO che comprende sapone, bagnoschiuma, shampoo, cuffie per la doccia.
Da una scala discendente, il cui materiale è il caratteristico marmo del Vesuvio, si accede alla Hall: ampia zona reception con un comodo divano dove sedersi e attendere e un tavolo di cristallo nella zona ricevimento. Il Divina mette a disposizione dei suoi ospiti uno staff esperto, in grado di gestire qualsiasi esigenza e di prendersi cura dei nostri ospiti. Il cliente può contare su uno staff qualificato anche per la scelta e l'organizzazione delle escursioni.
Tutte le camere sono dotate di aria condizionata e Wi-Fi; tutti i bagni sono forniti di asciugacapelli.
La Divina offre ai suoi ospiti camere finemente arredate, anche nei più piccoli dettagli, dove nulla è lasciato al caso: bagni progettati dall’architetto Giò Ponti, ceramiche e lampadari Solimene, realizzati in cristallo di Murano, appositamente realizzati per la struttura da artigiani locali; un design moderno spezzato da un antico arredamento sapientemente restaurato con marmo originale risalente al XIX secolo.
Le camere, a seconda della scelta, offrono ai nostri ospiti un'ampia terrazza, vista mare, tavolo con sedie, lettini o ampio balcone con vista sul giardino. Ogni camera è dotata di un letto king size di 2 metri e materasso in memory foam anallergico, molto apprezzato dai nostri ospiti.
Una cosa esperta vi accoglierà e gestirà ogni esigenza, perché prendersi cura dei nostri ospiti è il nostro fiore all'occhiello.
“La Divina” è una statua realizzata dal Maestro Paolo Sandulli, esposta nella sala dedicata a Lucia, la proprietaria. Sandulli, che vive ed espone il suo lavoro di arti in una famosa torre nella città di Praiano, realizzò una scultura unica nel suo genere, resa unica dal suo caratteristico ramo di corallo rosso e particolari orecchini, che sono conchiglie locali chiamate “occhi di Santa Lucia”.
I proprietari, Lucia e Bartolo, realizzarono il loro sogno per la loro piccola figlia Maria Vittoria.
La villa si trova in una tranquilla zona a soli 5 minuti dal centro di Praiano. Gli stabilimenti balneari sono a 15 minuti. La sua posizione tranquilla è ideale per gli ospiti che desiderano trascorrere il tempo rilassandosi in casa, visitando Praiano o scoprire la Costiera Amalfitana o la parte a sud di Salerno con il Cilento e Pestum. Qualunque sia la vostra idea di vacanza, apprezzerete la grande qualità e il comfort offerti da Villa la Divina.
Elettricità, acqua, aria condizionata e pulizie finali. Servizio di pulizia giornaliero (cucina, bagni, zona giorno). Cambio biancheria ogni due giorni. Accesso internet Wi-Fi illimitato solo al coperto.
Tutti i servizi extra devono essere pagati in loco, prima della partenza, salvo accordi diversi.
È considerata da molti il tratto di costa più suggestivo d'Italia, un paesaggio di scogliere torreggianti, villaggi dalle tinte pastello incastonati nelle colline, strade a cornici precipitose, giardini lussureggianti e ampie vedute su acque turchesi e montagne ricoperte di verde. Considerata dall'UNESCO "un esempio eccezionale di paesaggio mediterraneo, con eccezionali valori paesaggistici culturali e naturali", la costa ha ottenuto nel 1997 l'ambito posto nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale.
La Costiera Amalfitana si trova lungo i fianchi meridionali della Penisola Sorrentina, un promontorio a falesia che si stacca dalla terraferma all'estremità meridionale del Golfo di Napoli. Le sue città più famose - Amalfi, Positano e Ravello - hanno affascinato e ispirato artisti per secoli, dallo scrittore del XIV secolo Giovanni Boccaccio al compositore del XIX secolo Richard Wagner e al drammaturgo del XX secolo Tennessee Williams.
Come arrivare
I treni collegano Napoli con Sorrento e Salerno. Durante i mesi più caldi, inoltre, i battelli collegano molte città della Costiera Amalfitana.
Le strade della Costiera Amalfitana sono notoriamente tortuose, strette e impegnative da guidare. Se a ciò si aggiungono i panorami mozzafiato e gli audaci guidatori italiani, noti per la loro spavalderia al volante, questo viaggio in auto offre una delle esperienze di guida più emozionanti d'Europa. Il famoso percorso della Costiera Amalfitana segue la costa da Sorrento a sud fino a Salerno. Gli abitanti del luogo consigliano di pianificare un viaggio in Costiera Amalfitana durante le stagioni turistiche di spalla, da metà settembre a ottobre e a maggio, quando la strada è meno affollata e gli autobus turistici sono meno numerosi.
Il punto di accesso più comodo alla Costiera è Salerno, un porto molto frequentato e noto per essere stato una delle principali teste di ponte degli Alleati durante l'invasione dell'Italia nel 1943. Dall'Autostrada A3, si prende la SS163 a Vietri sul Mare, un villaggio famoso per le sue ceramiche e che offre ampie vedute della costa. La strada si snoda tra punti panoramici - quello di Capo d'Orso è forse il migliore - e costeggia i villaggi di Maiori (spiaggia sabbiosa) e Minori (rovine di una villa romana del I secolo d.C.), prima che un bivio vicino ad Atrani (due suggestive chiese) vi porti nell'entroterra a Ravello.
Ravello è considerata una delle cittadine più romantiche e belle dell'Italia meridionale. Arroccata su ripidi pendii terrazzati - più vicini al cielo che al mare, secondo il romanziere francese André Gide - è un luogo benedetto da giardini lussureggianti, vicoli tranquilli, angoli sonnolenti e assolati, e un'altura di 365 metri che offre una vista indimenticabile sulla costa azzurra sottostante. Il suo cuore è costituito da una cattedrale dell'XI secolo e da Villa Rufolo (Piazza del Vescovado; tel. 089 857 657), una delle due ville per cui la città è famosa. Costruita nel XIII secolo, la villa ha ospitato papi e re, oltre a Richard Wagner, che qui compose parte della sua opera Parsifal nel 1880. La vista dai suoi giardini idilliaci è magnifica, così come quella dalla vicina Villa Cimbrone.
Tornando sulla costa da Ravello, la strada delle cornici porta ad Amalfi, a suo tempo una delle quattro potenti repubbliche marinare italiane (con Venezia, Pisa e Genova). Un tempo tutto il commercio marittimo nel Mediterraneo era regolato dalle Tavole Amalfitane del XII secolo, uno dei codici marittimi più antichi del mondo. Oggi, il panorama della città sul mare, i numerosi caffè e negozi e il clima mite la rendono una località molto popolare, quindi preparatevi a prezzi elevati e alla folla in alta stagione.
L'orgoglio di Amalfi spetta al Duomo di Sant'Andrea, con una facciata dai motivi intricati, rifatta nel XIX secolo. Fondata nel IX secolo, le successive modifiche della cattedrale hanno risparmiato la sua principale gloria, le porte bronzee bizantine dell'XI secolo del portale principale. Accanto alla chiesa si trova il Chiostro del Paradiso (1268), il cui cupo tono romanico è ravvivato dagli elementi arabi delle sue sinuose colonne.
Per sfuggire al trambusto di Amalfi, fate un'escursione sulle colline sopra la città. Consultate il centro visitatori o fate la famosa passeggiata lungo la Valle dei Mulini, una gola dai lati scoscesi punteggiata da mulini ad acqua in rovina, un tempo utilizzati per la produzione della carta, industria per la quale Amalfi era, ed è tuttora, famosa. Il piccolo Museo della offre esposizioni relative all'industria.
Indicazioni per La Divina Costiera Amalfitana (se si guida da Napoli, Sorrento o Positano):
Agreement. These Terms and Conditions, together with the Reservation Invoice (collectively, the “Agreement”) represent the entire agreement between the parties and replace all prior understandings, oral or written, covering the subject matter contained herein and can be changed only in writing signed by both Client and BRAVO HOLIDAYS. Villa Information. BRAVO HOLIDAYS (“BRAVO HOLIDAYS,” “we,” “us” or “our”) seeks to provide updated information on our web site (“Website”) relating to the rental properties; however, nothing on our Website shall constitute a term or condition of this Agreement. Differences between the Website, any photograph, illustration and/or text used, and the actual Villa Property contracted for, may exist. Owners of the Villa Property (“Owner” or “Owners”) have the right to make modifications to the Villa Property specifications that are considered necessary due to operating requirements. Owners have the right to alter furniture, fittings, amenities, facilities, activities or make any other alteration, even if previously or currently advertised or represented as available, without prior notice. Client. Client shall include the person who signs and executes this Agreement (“Party Leader”) and all persons who are identified as an Occupant or Occupants of the Villa Property (“Client” or “Clients”). All communications by BRAVO HOLIDAYS will be made to the Party Leader. It is the Party Leader’s responsibility to provide this information to all Occupants. Client is responsible for payment in full of the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Price stated in this Agreement and compliance by all Occupants with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Total Package Price. The Total Package Price is in Euro and the rental period is the specified number of nights as set forth on the Reservation Invoice. The number of Occupants shall at all times be subject to approval by Owner, and additional charges will apply for all approved extra guests exceeding the maximum number of Guests as set forth in the Reservation Invoice. BRAVO HOLIDAYS calculates prices almost one year in advance, so as not to inflate the list price by speculating the Dollar’s exchange rate, BRAVO HOLIDAYS bases the currency exchange rate on past performance plus current trends. This means that US Dollar due amounts are subject to shifts in currency exchange rates and will be adjusted up or down at the time we bill Client’s entire Total Package Price. (i). Payment. Within three (3) days of the execution of this Agreement, Client shall pay the reservation deposit which may be non-refundable either in full or in part depending on the time of payment. The reservation deposit payment should be made by check, wire transfer or credit card. The final payment balance is due ninety (90) days prior to the arrival date and is payable only by check, wire transfer or credit card. Failure to pay the final payment balance of the Total Package Price when due will constitute an automatic cancellation, and the reservation deposit shall be forfeited. When bookings are made within ninety (90) days prior to the arrival date, the entire Total Package Price is due at booking and is non-refundable. (ii). Payment Instructions. Will be provided at time of booking. Security Deposit. A security deposit is required for most rentals and the security deposit amount and location for payment is specified on the Reservation Invoice (“Security Deposit”). If paid on arrival at the Villa Property, the Security Deposit will be returned on departure, less any losses, damages or other unpaid charges as set forth in this Agreement. It is Client’s responsibility to collect any unused portion of the Security Deposit prior to departure from the Villa Property. If held by BRAVO HOLIDAYS, the Security Deposit will be released no later than 45 days after Client’s return, less any losses, damages or other unpaid charges as set forth in this Agreement. It is Client’s responsibility to obtain an accounting of the Security Deposit. Client is responsible for leaving the Villa Property in a neat and tidy condition, i.e. dishes washed and put away, garbage taken to the nearest collection receptacle, etc. Any loss or damage to the Villa Property will be deducted from Client’s Security Deposit, including without limitation, any loss or damage to any property, fixtures, fittings, furnishings or any other property located in, on or about the Villa Property. If the losses or damages exceed the amount of the Security Deposit, Client will be responsible for the additional losses and damages and the cost of repair and/or replacement. Locally payable items or services, including Local Charges and/or Extra Services, or any other charges incurred, as set forth herein, may be deducted from the Security Deposit. Cancellation Charges. Any cancellation of the booking by Client for any reason must be in writing addressed to BRAVO HOLIDAYS at the address stated on the Reservation Invoice. The effective date of cancellation is the date when written notification is received by BRAVO HOLIDAYS. All payments made within 90 days of the arrival date are non-refundable. Cancellations made within 90 days of the arrival date are non-refundable. Client agrees that failure to pay the final balance of the Total Package Price on date listed on the Reservation Invoice shall be deemed a cancellation with no refund due. All holiday bookings are non-refundable and holiday bookings include the following times and seasons (US): Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Presidents’ Week, Easter/Spring Break. Other holiday periods may apply. We highly recommend that Client purchase trip protection. Travel Protection Insurance. BRAVO HOLIDAYS strongly suggests that clients protect their travel plans from financial loss before or during the trip, for cancellations that occur for covered reasons, by purchasing travel insurance. Since BRAVO HOLIDAYS does not cover losses due to client’s personal or family circumstances, we suggest purchasing coverage from AON. Modifications and Cancellations by BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners. BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners reserve the right to modify or cancel this Agreement at any time or when necessary to do so as a result of a force majeure, or due to any other occurrence outside the control of BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owners. In the event of such cancellation, we will inform Client as soon as possible and, if requested, we will try to arrange an alternative property of a similar type and in a similar location as originally requested. Client is responsible for any increase in price of the new BRAVO HOLIDAYS. If Client prefers not to rebook another property, we will provide a full refund of payments made if BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owner cancel the Agreement. A full refund of payments made by Client is Client’s sole and exclusive remedy for cancellation by BRAVO HOLIDAYS or Owner. Neither BRAVO HOLIDAYS nor Owner shall have any liability for any loss, expense or damage, including by way of explanation and not by limitation, travel expenses, alternative lodging or any other loss, expense, or damage. Modification by Client. If Client requests to modify or change the choice of the Villa Property or the dates for rental of the Villa Property, we have the right to treat a change of the Villa Property and/or the Villa Property dates as a cancellation of one property and the booking of another property, and Client is responsible for any increase in the price of the then applicable Total Package Price. All requested modifications of this Agreement by Client shall be valid only if made in writing and become effective only as of the date of receipt of such writing and provided it is agreed to by BRAVO HOLIDAYS in writing. There is an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant for any modification to the Agreement by Client. Arrival Information. Within 14 days prior to Client’s arrival at the Villa Property, provided that payment of the Total Package Price has been received in full, Villa travel and arrival information, including addresses, driving directions, telephone numbers and contact person’s names shall be released to Client (“Arrival Voucher”). Passport Requirements: It is Client’s responsibility to verify that Client and all Occupants have the correct documents to travel from the country of origin to the country of destination, prior to travel. Number of Occupants. We require the names and ages of all guests staying at each Villa Property (each an “Occupant” or “Occupants”). The number of Occupants booked is the number that will be accommodated and must not exceed the maximum stated on the Reservation Invoice. Under no circumstances can the number of Occupants exceed the number of sleeping places designated for the Villa Property. Failure to comply may result in additional guests being turned away or the entire party may be subject to eviction at their own expense. If maximum occupancy is exceeded, Owner reserves the right to refuse or revoke the booking in Owner’s sole discretion and at Client’s sole expense and without refund of any kind. Client Responsibility. Occupants are required to act in a responsible manner at all times, and to act with respect toward other guests, Owners and the Villa staff. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and owners have the absolute right to require any occupant, individual or client, to vacate a villa property for disruptive or inappropriate behavior without any refund in the sole discretion of BRAVO HOLIDAYS and/or owners. Arrival and Departure Times. No later than four (4) weeks prior to Client’s arrival date, Client must give us an appointed time of arrival at the Villa Property. Unless otherwise stated, Clients must arrive between 4p.m. and 7p.m. local time. Earlier times will not be accommodated. Failure to arrive at the appointed time on Client’s Arrival Voucher can delay admittance to the Villa Property to the following day or incur a late arrival charge. BRAVO HOLIDAYS is not responsible for alternate lodging or other accommodations. Clients must vacate the Villa Property no later than 10a.m. local time or as otherwise noted on the Arrival Voucher. Late departure may result in additional charges. Local Charges Paid Locally. There are extra charges for some items that must be paid locally at the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Property (“Local Charges”). Local Charges are not included in the Total Package Price. Local Charges may include, but are not limited to, telephone, internet, extra linens, cleaning services, A/C, heating, electricity or other utilities, as well as local tourist taxes, where applicable. These Local Charges are payable directly to the local Owner representative in local cash currency at the end of your stay. Prices are subject to change so please confirm with local Owner representative on your arrival. Special Villa Services. Requests for additional or special villa services, such as maid, cook, advance grocery shopping must be made in writing to BRAVO HOLIDAYS no later than four (4) weeks prior to your arrival (“Extra Services”). Extra Services are not guaranteed and are not included in the Total Package Price. BRAVO HOLIDAYS makes no representation as to the level or quality of Extra Services. Payment is due in full in local cash currency to the local Owner representative upon arrival at the Villa Property unless otherwise stated, and cannot be paid by credit card unless otherwise stated. Once submitted to BRAVO HOLIDAYS, any changes to Extra Services requests are subject to an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant and acceptance by Owner. Client shall not employ outside third party services unless requested in writing and approved by Owner. Not Included in Total Package Price. Local Charges, Extra Services and consumables of any kind are not included in the Total Package Price unless otherwise expressly stated on the Reservation Invoice. This includes, but is not limited to, food and beverages, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels and napkins, travel expenses, alternative travel or lodging expenses, trip protection. Included in Total Package Price. The Total Package Price includes the use of the Villa Property and any facilities, amenities and/or services listed on the Reservation Invoice. By way of example, one set of linens per bed, and one set of towels per person per week are always included in the price of the rental, as are basic cooking utensils, pots, pans, glassware, flatware and dishes. Normal use of gas, electricity and water facilities are often included. Construction. There may be construction near the BRAVO HOLIDAYS Property. Construction is usually 7:00am-3:30pm weekdays. Car Rental. There is a minimum age requirement of 25 years to rent a car. Credit Cards. If the form of payment is by credit card, by signing this Agreement, the cardholder acknowledges receipt of this Agreement and hereby authorizes BRAVO HOLIDAYS to charge the credit card for the amounts set forth in the Confirmation Statement and for any other sums or charges set forth in this Agreement. Complaints. In the unlikely event any problem should occur with the Villa Property, Client shall immediately notify Owner or local owner representative to correct the problem. If Owner or local Owner representative is unable to rectify the situation, Client shall immediately contact BRAVO HOLIDAYS on the telephone number listed on the Arrival Voucher. Client shall allow the Owner reasonable time, under the circumstances, to remedy the problem, or to find a suitable replacement Villa Property. Vacating the Villa Property without BRAVO HOLIDAYS’s authorization shall not constitute an adequate cause for a refund. Failure to give notice of a complaint when it occurs during the rental period and/or failure to remain in contact by telephone or fax while providing Owner or local Owner’s representative and BRAVO HOLIDAYS an opportunity to remedy the complaint during the rental period will void any claim. As with any home, repairs may be necessary as things wear down. BRAVO HOLIDAYS is not responsible for any breakdown of appliances, loss of A/C, heat, water, internet service etc. that occur at the Villa Property. Equipment for Children. BRAVO HOLIDAYS recommends that Clients provide their own portable cribs, bassinets and highchairs or any other equipment for children. Any such equipment found at the Villa Property has not been inspected by BRAVO HOLIDAYS, and Clients use such equipment at the Villa Property at their own risk. Limitation of Liability. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and its villa owners, employees and/or agents shall not accept any responsibility, expense or liability for any accident which may occur relating to this Contract and/or the rental property which is the subject of this Contract; or for any sickness, injury, damage or loss whatsoever or however caused. We highly recommend that Client purchase trip protection. Transferability. BRAVO HOLIDAYS may allow the transfer of Client’s booking to another Party Leader in BRAVO HOLIDAYS’s sole and complete discretion. The request must be made to BRAVO HOLIDAYS in writing, and a new booking agreement must be executed, along with Client’s payment of an administrative charge of $100 per Occupant. Jurisdiction. BRAVO HOLIDAYS and Client agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, and that exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be in the New York State Supreme Court in Nassau County, New York. Miscellaneous. Bookings cannot be accepted from persons less than 18 years of age at the time of booking, and BRAVO HOLIDAYS reserves the right to refuse a booking without reason. Please remember that many villas are located in the countryside. Although most villas have screens and A/C, you may encounter some bugs and insects. Not leaving open food out on counters will help tremendously. Most villas have strict policies regarding smoking and pets. Unless arranged when confirming the reservation, do not bring pets or smoke inside the Villa Property. Please be advised that internet service may not be available in your Villa Property. Most villas have private swimming pools, please be advised that lifeguards are not provided.
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